Vegetarian Options for Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner

Holiday celebrations typically involve meat-based dishes as the featured main course, but there are many vegetarian options to try this year! Whether you’re looking for an alternative to add to your holiday feast or if you’re going all-veggie this year, here is an assortment of vegetarian roasts ready to become new dinner table traditions!

If you can’t find any of these in your local grocery stores, you may have better luck at smaller “natural foods” stores or food co-ops in your area. If you plan far enough ahead, there may even be time to ask the store to order in a few of the vegetarian roast you’d like to try. Once the store knows that someone is interested in trying the product, they’ll be more willing to keep a few in stock for the holiday season.


<figure class=”center>tofurky</figure>

Probably the most famous vegetarian alternative, the Tofurky from Turtle Island Foods has been a standard choice for holiday meals since 1995. Very flavorful, easy to prepare, and available in many grocery stores, the Tofurky is a great choice to celebrate the holidays meat-free.

Field Roast

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There are actually an entire line of options made by the company Field Roast: The Celebration Roast, Hazelnut Cranberry Roast, Smokey Forager’s Roast, and even a classic meatloaf. All are so savory and substantial that they’re pleasing to anyone, whether meat-eater or not! With more of a sausage-like texture, the array of flavors in each is quite an experience and makes for a warm, satisfying meal.

Trader Joe's "Turkey-less" stuffed roast

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An affordable option that should be easy to find at any Trader Joe’s, the “Turkey-Less” roast has been developed over the years to be attractive to both meat-eaters and vegetarians.

Quorn Turk'y Roast

<figure class=”center>quorn holiday dinner</figure>

One of the “holiday roast” style meat substitutes that is readily available year-round, the Quorn products are made soy-free and have a unique, chicken-like texture. The roast has a subtle flavor that goes well with Thanksgiving side dishes, and the Quorn Holiday Dinner includes gravy and stuffing bites (similar to meatballs).

Gardein Holiday Roast

<figure class=”center>gardein holiday roast</figure>

Gardein is another company that keeps their products stocked year-round in grocery stores, but also has a special holiday option. The holiday roast is their “turk’y” meat alternative made into a roast filled with wild rice stuffing. Add in the included gravy and you have a delicious combination!

"Cheerful Log" Vegan Ham Loaf

<figure class=”center>cheerful log vegan ham loaf</figure>

A fun alternative to the “Christmas ham”, the Cheerful Log by Loving Hut looks a bit like Spam or other processed meat, but it has a light taste and can take on the flavor of any dressings or marinades. In the comments section at the Vegan Essentials store, there are suggestions to prepare the Cheerful Log like a traditional ham, using pineapple and cloves to dress the loaf during baking.

Linda McCartney Foods vegetarian and vegan meals

<figure class=”center>linda mccartney vegetarian roast</figure>

The full range from Linda McCartney Foods would be suitable for a holiday table. Dinner options like sausages, meatballs, and stovetop mixes can add a full variety of vegetarian and vegan dishes to any celebration. They may be harder to find than other options, but should be more available in Europe.