The Holidays are Coming! The 2016 Hess Toy Truck to Debut Soon

We’ve gotten our first hint at what to expect from the 2016 Hess truck.

On the Hess website, the headline claims that this year, the truck will come with “more power than ever”, and the details say there will be a total of five batteries included.

What do you think “more power than ever” will mean for the 2016 truck? Maybe they will make a remote control version or one that has a motor to power some part of the truck. They’d certainly have a hard time adding more lights to the trucks than they already have!

Could it possibly have “more power” than the 2007 Hess monster truck?

Hess 2007 Monster Truck w/ 2 Motorcycles

Energizer Brand Batteries required - not included

The first day to order the 2016 truck will be November 1, 2016, although last year’s Hess truck was announced earlier in October.

Read more of our posts on Hess Christmas trucks!

(Image via Mike Mozart on Flickr)